I have a lot of friends and mom tries to get pictures of them all. I remember my friends but mom has a hard time so my pages help her remember. She is getting up in years so her memory is not that good.
- Itcaca gave mom her good side for the picture. I think she is cute on both sides but some girls think they have a better side.
- Bella was checking out the “Cookin’ Shack”. She was hoping that someone would drop something but no such luck. Maybe next time.
- Precious wanted to go run around with me outside but her mom and dad said no. Even after we both gave them our best puppy dog eyes.
- Sadie came in the lodge to visit for a bit. Her mom and dad walk her around the resort every day. Lots to look at and smell here at the Rendezvous. I walk around with my friends and show them stuff but mostly I let them explore by themselves.
- Brody just loved the water. He would run around biting the water. He never really caught the water but he sure had fun trying. Made me tired just watching him.
- Ginger said her mom knows just where to scratch. I like my back scratched by my tail.
- Boomer and Holly kept their mom and dad busy exploring everything we have here to see at the Rendezvous. Lots to smell and check out. I visited them while they were here and I hope they visit again soon.
- This is Harley and he was wearing his biker scarf. He looks tough but he was very friendly. I shared my dog food with him when he came to visit me at the lodge.
- This is Bobo the Cute. He was waiting for his mom and dad to give him some of their food from the wagon. He likes table food as much as I do.
- Akin had a great time at the Lodge. He was pretty good at Karaoke and he is not shy at all.
- Abby is a black lab that stayed several days. I visited her every morning. Her mom has treats and Abby didn’t mind sharing with me.
- Brady was lying low hoping her mom and dad would leave him at the lodge so we could play but no such luck.
- Pepper Boy and his dad came to visit us. My mom said that he was cute as a bugs ear. I really don’t thing that bug ears are that cute. She is getting kind of wierd in her old age.
- Reba and Rosie get to drive around with their dad on the Segway. Pretty cool ride. The baskets are too small for me so I just watch.
- This is Pete. He was waiting for some food from Grandma Susie’s cookin’ Shack. He is a rescue and his mom makes sure he has lots of good food.
- Banjo Boy came with his mom and dad for ice cream. He likes ice cream and his mom shared with him.
- Walter visited for a while and we hung out. He likes to lay around like I do so we got along great.
- Reba and Rosie get to drive around with their dad on the Segway. Pretty cool ride. The baskets are too small for me so I just watch.
- This is Rambo. I believe he is a movie star. He sure knows how to poise for pictures.
- Dixie was showing off for me. I don’t think I was ever able to do that.
- Meni is not mean at all. He is really nice so I don’t know why they call him Meni. He enjoyed the river, getting all wet and stinky.
- This is Duke. He and I had quite the discussion about the difference between yellow labs and golden retrievers. Some humans think we are the same but we are quite different. Duke is a very handsome guy.
- This is Apple. Isn’t she beautiful.
- Chewy was showing me how he shakes hands. He does a good job at it. Very professional.
- Princess, Sajero, Peanut, Rash and Mary Jane were all over the place and mom had a really hard time getting a picture of them. They were really cute but hard to keep up with. Their mom and dad are going to send us a better picture so mom will change it out when we get it.
- Bobby Joe’s dad was getting onion rings and he was hoping that he would share.
- Trooper, Boomer and I poised for their dad. I think we look pretty good. It’s hard for Trooper to sit a long time and mom was having issues with her camera but their dad knows how to take pictures. I think mom should take some lessons from him.
- Cocoa had me over for a visit at her campsite. I like to visit as many friends as I can when they come to the Rendezvous.
- Kota is kind of shy but he still enjoyed himself here.
- Angel was waiting to get some food at the Cookin’ shack. I think he was hoping that something would drop?
- Gigi looked very stylish in her fancy pink jacket. I think her mom had other clothes for her too. Very cute. I don’t look that good in pink.
- This is Daisy. She came and saw me a couple of times and we got along great. We both like to lay around and eat.
- Neiko’s heritage is from Japan where they are royalty. She lets me visit her almost every day and she is not snobby at all.
- This is Ms. Taelore with her new puppy Drop Shot. Mom asked her about the name and she said don’t ask. I know that the puppy is safe. I think Ms. Taelore likes weird names for her dogs.
- Coley was so tiny. She was not afraid of me at all. I don’t believe that she thinks she is small.
- Davie is very small and very cute. His dad carries him around. My dad refuses to carry me around at all. Something about me weighing 80 plus pounds I guess.
- Justice sure is a daddy’s boy. We talked a little but he really liked his dad to hold him while he walked around. You will not see my mom carrying me around. I need to get a bigger mom.
- Sam and Ginger brought their moms with to visit me. They sat so nice for their picture. I wonder if they practice poising?