If you’re trying to lead a healthier lifestyle, you might want to start by taking camping trips throughout the seasons. In addition to being a whole lot of fun, camping can also offer some very real health benefits.

Reduce Stress Levels
According to the American Psychological Association, chronic stress is something that affects millions of Americans every year. If the demands of everyday life have been taking a toll on your nerves, a camping trip is a great opportunity to unwind and reduce your stress levels in a peaceful, natural setting.
Getting Away from Crowds
Sometimes, everyday life can leave us overstimulated, especially with work, people, and daily tasks. These things can build-up and sometimes we need a break from the crowded lives we live. Camping can give you the chance to escape to a quiet place at a state park or national park. Bring a friend or two that needs the same escape!
Breathe Fresh Air
Simply breathing some fresh air can be hugely beneficial to your overall health and well-being. Trees produce plenty of clean oxygen, which can promote serotonin production, aid in digestion and boost your immune system.
Learn New Things
Stepping outside of your comfort zone and learning new things can also help keep your mind sharp and healthy. From learning how to read a compass to campfire building and meal preparation, there is always more to learn on a camping trip. Plus, all that extra physical activity can stimulate your mind as well.
Ready to enjoy a refreshing camping experience in Florida? We’d love to see you at Suwannee River Rendezvous! Give us a call or contact us online to book your reservation today!