Charlie’s 7 Post

Ruby went spring hopping with her mom and dad and little sister.  She had a great time and told me all about it.

Mama went swimming in our spring and got to explore the resort.  She was so friendly.  I hope she comes back soon.

Charlie’s 6th Post

I’m Charlie and mom says that I hog most of the web site, but I have so many friends. Check them out.

I just celebrated my 12th birthday. All my friends help keep me going in my senior years.  I’m not as old as mom.  I may have to trade her in one day if she can’t keep up with me.

Charlie’s 5th Post

Hi, I am Charlie and if you haven’t seen my pages you are missing all my friends that visit me. Lots of my friends come back again. Mom tries to get pictures of all of them. Come on down to the lodge to get your picture taken if mom hasn’t gotten to it yet.

The Difference Between Canoeing and Kayaking

suwannee units and camping 053Here on the Suwannee River, we have found that the most popular recreational activities for our guests are both canoeing and kayaking. We see a number of folks coming in for rentals each day, as they prepare to get out onto the water. However, with these boats being so similar, we are often asked one important question: What’s the difference between canoeing and kayaking?

Well according to our friends at, there seems to be three major differences that should help others determine the variances:

1. Canoes are open while kayaks have a deck

2. Canoes are paddled with a single bladed paddle, whereas kayaks use a double bladed paddle

3. The seat height on a kayak is much lower, with the occupant positioned on the ground, feet stretched out.

While we could say that the canoe is like the sport-utility vehicle of the recreational boating world, kayaks, on the other hand, are more like sports cars. (Wonderopolis)

If you’re looking to take a leisurely trip out on the water with a few friends or family members, a canoe is going to be your best choice. Canoes are built a bit sturdier and are able to carry more weight, which means more room for you, your loved ones and maybe even a picnic basket.

Kayaks are going to be a better bet for those who are looking to race or get a good workout in. The sleek design of a kayak allows them to move much faster than a canoe, which makes them perfect for competitive sports and slipping through whitewater rapids.

Regardless of whether you choose to go with a kayak or canoe, at the end of the day it’s all going to lead to one thing: a whole lot of fun! So stop in our rental facility at Suwannee River Rendezvous Resort & Campgrounds and get out on the water!

Friends of the Suwannee River Rendezvous

We are pretty much back to normal.  The river has gone down quite a bit and we have moved back into all the buildings with no damage to anything.  The springs are starting to clear up.  We had a great turn out for the annual Easter Egg hunt.  Lots of helpers, and lots of hunters.

Charlie’s 4th Post

I have a lot of friends and mom tries to get pictures of them all. I remember my friends but mom has a hard time so my pages help her remember. She is getting up in years so her memory is not that good.

Charlie’s 3rd Post

I just got back from the Vet and I lost 4 lbs!!!  Mom can’t believe it.  She still says I should not go around begging food from people.  What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.  Killer gained ½ lb and he doesn’t even beg.  Go figure that one out.

Charlie’s 2nd Post

I have so many friends here at the Rendezvous that I needed more room for pictures.

Charlie’s 1st Post

I moved here with my family in December of 08.  Killer, the cat, lives here with me along with the three chickens.  I have a lot of friends that visit me here and I am going to have my mom take some pictures of me with them.  We get to play in the spring and the river, ride the gulf cart, chase chickens when dad isn’t looking…  Lots to do here.  I also greet the people in the Lodge.  Mostly I am on the sofa watching TV.  Come on in and say hi.  I’d love to meet you.