Marshal Dillon and Miss Kitty came to visit me. We look a lot alike. I showed them around the lodge and they got comfortable and hung out for a while.
Category: Charlie’s
Charlie’s friends at the resort
Rosie and I played in the office and at the spring. She loves to swim. I only like to get my feet wet. Too much bother having all that wet hair to take care of.
Hi, I’m Charlie Girl. My new mom and dad kept forgetting that I was a girl so… Anyway, they miss Charlie Jr. a lot but I’m trying my best to fit in here at the resort. Come and in and visit me.
Charlie’s post November 22,2015

Jacques Pierre came to visit me. He is the biggest friend I have. He let me play with him for a little bit but he didn’t like me hanging on his ear.

I have a lot of fun in the dog park. Pepper and I played several times. She knows how to play and I let her get the best of me. Next time she comes I will be a lot bigger than her.

Bocephus had a hard name for mom to spell and say. I had no trouble at all with his name. He had really cool eyes too.

Ferguson and I played and played. He is 9 months old and he knows how to play. Mom was all worn out just watching.
Charlie Jr. 2nd post

Biscuit was really really big and I wanted to play really really bad. I even begged his dad to let me play with him. I promised to be gentle.

I took Knight on a walk and then we played with my toys. He liked my bear. I can’t wait for him to come back.

Brinkley was so polite. Mom wants me to be like him. Calm, quiet,… I told her it was going to be a while so she better be patient.

Ginger loves to swim in the spring. I think her new hair cut makes her go faster.
Charlie Jr. 1st post

Hi, I’m Charlie Jr. I moved in and took control of the place last week. Didn’t take much as I’m a cute dude. I had guests my very first weekend. Rango, a black lab, same birthday, how cool is that. We got together several times over the weekend and we had fun. Older dogs just don’t get it.

Charlie’s 8th Post

Jade went on the kayak with her mom. She helped her mom with her card picks on the poker run.

Lady and Griffin came to visit me at the lodge. I have treats to share with all my friends and they really liked them.

Louie went to sleep when the Karaoke singers started singing. It kind of hurts my ears and I am hard of hearing.
Charlie’s 7 Post

Ruby went spring hopping with her mom and dad and little sister. She had a great time and told me all about it.

Mama went swimming in our spring and got to explore the resort. She was so friendly. I hope she comes back soon.
Charlie’s 6th Post
I’m Charlie and mom says that I hog most of the web site, but I have so many friends. Check them out.
I just celebrated my 12th birthday. All my friends help keep me going in my senior years. I’m not as old as mom. I may have to trade her in one day if she can’t keep up with me.
- A.J.’s mom is a retired cop from NYC. She is so gentle. Not at all what you think coming from a big city.
- Zebea was looking at the treats that I keep on the counter for all my friends. Her dad wanted her to look at mom so she could get a nice picture. Zebea and I know what is really important. Food!
- Cocoa has quite the wardrobe. She had a jacket for every day she visited. I bet she has more at home. Girls usually don’t pack all their clothes when they go on vacation.
- Cody is from Australia. Well his family was at sometime in history anyway. He has really cool blue eyes but mom’s camera kind of made them black.
- Cricket and Magic came down to visit me. They have a lot of energy and completely wore me out just watching them. Doesn’t take much now a days.
- Deco loved going after the ball. His dad must of been really tired after throwing the ball every day he was here.
- Dixie and Hershey came to visit me. I shared some of my treats with them. I hope they come and see me every day.
- Paxil and Prozac came to visit me. They are from Australia because mom said they were Australian Sheppard’s. They are both therapy dogs but they didn’t like my office treats much. I like them a lot so I just ate what they didn’t want.
- This is Jake, he is A.J.’s little brother. He just came in from California and is adjusting to Florida. He sure missed his mom! He begs her to hold him. Mom says no way when I beg to be held.
- Lois Clark, yes that is her name, swam the entire time she was here. She was swimming with Tina and Morgan. It wore me out just watching them swim. They wore out one ball while they were here.
- This is Fiona. Isn’t she beautiful? She is also very smart. She has her dad very well trained and he does what ever she wants. It took me years to get Mom that well trained.
- Goldie came and sang with mom at the sing-a-long. She has a very nice voice. She really liked the song “How Much is that Doggie in the Window”
- This is the herd of Yorkies that are visiting. Neeko, Kiwi, Roo and Coco. Their mom and dad take them on walks all the time and they visit me in the lodge. Unless mom gives me a ride, I don’t get up to the new RV resort where they are staying. Their mom gave them all a bath at the dog wash station at the new bath house. They liked the warm water and the hair dryer that mom has for them. Mom better not try that hair dryer on me.
- Morgan and Tina loved swimming in the spring. They don’t care if it is browned out. It wore me out just watching them fetch the ball. Mom tried throwing the ball for them and it was sad. Very sad. She sure can’t throw like she used to. I think she must be older than me.
- Roy and his dad came down to play with me. I like being scratched and Roys dad is real good at it.
- Rufus is and Old English sheep dog. I don’t think he is all that old. We swam together in the spring and cooled off. Well Rufus swam and I walked, I really am old.
- This yellow lab is a sweet heart but my senile mom forgot her name. I don’t now what I am going to do with her.
Charlie’s 5th Post
Hi, I am Charlie and if you haven’t seen my pages you are missing all my friends that visit me. Lots of my friends come back again. Mom tries to get pictures of all of them. Come on down to the lodge to get your picture taken if mom hasn’t gotten to it yet.
- This is Jimmy. He wore his neckerchief all weekend. I would have lost it ten minutes after Mom put it on me
- This little guys name is Killer. He was about as violent as my cat brother Killer.
- This is King. He loves the water but does not want to go in over his head. The last time King was here he was just a puppy. He is really big now and very sweet.
- This is Maggie and boy can she talk. Her mom and dad have her saying all kinds of stuff. Very impressive!!
- Miss Betty is such a sweet heart and so cute!! She is only 7 months old and so well behaved.
- This is Missy the Cow. That’s what her mom said anyway. Some people don’t know their animals too good because even I know that Missy is a basset hound. Some humans…
- Nestle loved swimming in the spring. I swam with him two years ago but I am feeling my years now. I wade in the spring cut and get my tummy wet.
- Nikki is 5 months old and got kind of tired at the concert.
- Odie and Bella are both Chihuahua’s. Mom wanted me to say that because she just learned how to spell it. They both had fun here. My friends come in the lodge to visit me and sometimes they stay for Karaoke.
- This is Okie. He is old like me and he likes food like I do. We have a lot in common. I showed him my food bowl but he is not into the diet senior food that mom buys me.
- Pearl is a Malamute. I believe she is from Alaska. Kind of hot for her in Florida but she loved swimming in the spring and that had to have cooled her down.
- Pierre was a little tired. Mean Mary was really good but two hours is a long time to sit with mom and dad.
- Amy, Pica and Ringo look like little teddy bears. They were so cute. Mom had a hard time with the picture so their dad sent mom this one. All proper sitting on the sofa.
- Pickle’s mom wanted him to go in the spring but he was not to sure about it. The water is kind of cold and I think that Pickles prefers warm bath water.
- Raffiki has been here before. He is waiting at the Cookin’ Shack for something to eat. He was hoping that someone would drop something and he would have first shot at it. No such luck on this day.
- I was showing Roscoe the art of discreet begging. He is only two years old but he was getting it down. He may be a little too discreet with the laying down part.
- Sam is my cousin from Minnesota. He came to visit with his mom and dad. His grandfather is the one who gave us the moose antlers that hang in the lodge. It was nice visit with family from up north.
- Sun Shine liked it here. She liked the water and the food. I try to show my friends the art of begging but most of them have it down anyway.
- Happy Doodle watched TV with mom. I was on the other sofa. We were watching the weather channel. I watch whatever my friends want to watch.
- Zanax gave me a good scratching. First my head then my back. Oh it felt soooo good.
- Alley was waiting for breakfast. She likes just about everything on the menu.
- This is Bam Bam with the cool leash. It glowed with the camera, kind of spooky.
- This cute little thing is Beamer. Her mom had a milk shake at the Cookin’ Shack and Beamer had some too.
- This is Benz and he is from Brooksville. His mom took him to see Mean Mary sing at the fundraiser for Autism.
- Mom hopes that this is Buddy. Cool handshake. Mom kind of got a couple to pictures messed up with the names. She really is getting up in years and can’t remember anything anymore. I try to help out but there is only so much I can do.
- This is Buster Butter Butt. I know, really different name but who can figure out humans. Buster didn’t seem to mind and his parents were really good to him.
- Callie came to see me in the lodge with her dad and he brought treats. Callie let me have some of her treats. I have a bowl of treats that I share but it is nice to have something new.
- Dexter was waiting for breakfast too. I don’t think his mom dropped anything though. It is our job as a dog to clean up anything that happens to fall on the floor.
- Flipper brought her ball to play with her at the Rendezvous. She is almost as old as me and still runs around after a ball. I already told mom if she throws a ball she can go get it.
- Ginger was very shy and did not like to get her picture taken. I don’t know why? She is the same age as me and she looks great!
- Gipsy is a Siberian Husky. That means that she is an international guest and I have heard that it is cold where she comes from. She came to listen to the band but her dad wouldn’t let her dance. I don’t dance that good anymore but I bet she is good.
- Gracie is a Schipperke and her family was trained to chaise rats off the boats on the rivers in Belgium. I don’t think that Gracie has done any of that. She is pretty busy with her little sister, helping her with the leash.
- Gracie and Little Buddy came to see me in the Lodge. They got to explore the resort and see lots of squirels and lizards.
- Happy came to visit and boy was she happy. Mom had to take about 30 pictures to get one where she was not moving. This is a pretty good shot of her though.
- Portia watched her family swim at the spring. She was very intense and did not miss anything that went on down at the spring.
- Jasmine is Gingers sister and she is not camera shy. Her mom says that she is a shaved golden retriever. I don’t think so. She looks like a Shitzu to me.
- Jethro is only three months old. He liked Mean Mary too.
- This is Ruby and she really is a very pretty girl. Mom had a little trouble with the camera phone on this one. She sort of misplaced the real cameria on her desk. Go figure that one. Ruby liked to sleep on the porch of the river room. Just watching the water roll on by.