Hiking is a great way to get exercise and see the world at the same time, but most people aren’t prepared for a hike. They sometimes underestimate the strenuous task of hiking up a mountain or a steep trail. It’s important to be prepared for a hike, but what does that mean exactly? Here are soe essentials you should always bring for a hike!

Hiking Boots or Shoes
Whether you’re going up a steep incline, or you’re on a trail, you’ll need to have the proper footwear to get through it. The conditions of a trail could be rocky, muddy, slippery, and even snowy, which means you’ll need a hiking boot or shoe to make sure you have the right traction, so you don’t slip and fall.
Water, Water, and more Water
You’d be surprised on how much water you actually need when hiking. Many times, we tend to think we know how much water is enough, but weather conditions come into play when hiking. You may not realize it until half-way up the hike that you’re out of your water. It’s recommended to plan for a half a liter per hour during your hike.
Rain Gear
Sometimes you can get stuck in the rain on a hike. You should always pack a good rain jacket that is waterproof, so you don’t get drenched on the hike. Make sure to pack an extra shirt or shorts just in case those get wet on the hike.
Tools, Gadgets, First Aid Kit
Other important items include a first aid kit, flashlight or headlamp, knife/tool, sun protection, and of course food and snacks for your hike. You never want to be hungry or without energy on along hike. If you’re going on a long weekend hike, it’s recommended you bring a tent and camping gear to split up the trip and have a place to stay overnight.
At Suwannee River Rendezvous, we provide camping, lodging, and adventure activities here in Mayo, Florida. Contact us at 386-294-2510 today to learn more!