I just got back from the Vet and I lost 4 lbs!!! Mom can’t believe it. She still says I should not go around begging food from people. What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Killer gained ½ lb and he doesn’t even beg. Go figure that one out.
- This is Gummy Girl. She liked my bone and wanted to take it home with her. I don’t mind sharing at all, but her mom said no.
- Shasia was very pretty. She joined mom and me at the sing-a-long. I think she wanted to play the drums but her mom said no. Maybe next time.
- Mom messed up and forgot this friends name. She put it in her phone and still messed up. I really think she is loosing it and she thinks I’m getting old.
- This is Lilly and Sea Sea. Their mom is a dog trainer and boy can they do stuff. I was very impressed. She got them to sit still for the picture first try.
- This is Little Bear. She was here with her mom and dad. She has two other dogs in her family. It was hard for mom to get all three in the picture.
- Lucy and I visited every day she was here. She has good food. Mom buys me senior diet stuff but Lucy get the good stuff.
- His name is Moose. Sure don’t look like a moose to me. I have a hard time imagining him with horns like the kind mom has in the lodge.
- Morgan is a service dog. He sure looks sharp in his vest
- Peanut and Toby made introductions in the lodge. Lots of friends meet and greet here at the Rendezvous.
- Peety was real good as posing for his picture. Some of my friends move around a lot but Peety has it down. Good Job Peety!!!
- This is Pepper. He liked the view from his camper. He really didn’t want to come out and play with me. I don’t think he wanted to get his clothes dirty.
- Percy got have one of mom’s artsy shots. I think it was by mistake but Percy looks good.
- I am pretty sure that this is Max. Mom did it again. She lost his name. It should be on her desk, but have you seen mom’s desk? Good luck with that one.
- Fussa was asking her mom if she could play with me, pretty please?
- Jasper and her mom came over. She was very pretty with all that long curly hair. I have always wanted curly hair. So has my mom.
- This is Max. He is like me only a lot younger, He can play longer than me, it’s a bummer getting old.
- Sadie was a very proper lady. She sat to say hello to me.
- Princess, Duke and Tooties are soooo cute. Fun for dad to walk with the three leashes.
- This is Mommas’s and Rebel. They really had a good time in the spring and the cut swimming. Their dad had the whole family in the water and they had fun.
- This is Reef Boy. He is just a puppy but very well behaved. He enjoyed his time at the Rendezvous. Swimming and running around. I am sure he will really like the new dog park that mom and dad are putting in for all my friends.
- Rogan is related to Sophie and I think that he liked the cold tile too. It was really hot on the days they were here and I even got off my sofa to lay on the floor.
- This is Romeo, a very handsome chocolate lab. I think that makes us cousins.
- This is Roger Daltry “from the Who”, that’s what his mom and dad said, honest. Pretty famous and he was at the Rendezvous.
- Sloppy had his brother and sister come in for his picture. He didn’t want to be on camera. Some of my friends are a little camera shy but mom does her best.
- Sophie really liked the cold tile on her tummy. I think she could have laid there all day.
- Sophie and I were watching TV and her mom decided to join us. I made room for her. The other people had to sit on the other sofa.
- This is Sugar Bear and Dulainea. Dulainea is actually a great grand dog but she has been part of the family for a while now. Their Mom and Dad are busy with these three and their leashes. Very sweet and they like to explore and sniff out stuff.
- These two friends have real cool names even if mom can’t pronounce them. Taffiki and Guapo.
- One more guest from Thanksgiving with the lost name. We had a lot of visitors that weekend and I was able to meet a lot of friends. I hope they all come back.
- This is another guest from Thanksgiving. Mom has misplaced the name of three of my friends from that weekend. Hopefully their moms or dads will e-mail mom with the names.
- This is Buster and Quigley. I got worn out waiting for mom to get the picture. She takes soooo many pictures and then she uses one. I think she needs more practice or a better camera. These guys were very patient with mom being slow and all.
- Brownie was watching the chicken by the Shack. He didn’t want to chase her, just watch her, real close.
- You think this makes my butt look big? I was waiting for the food. Sometimes my friends shair with me. Mom says I am not to beg and I don’t really. I sort of guard the area and protect the food.
- This is Chloe. Mom tried to fix her eyes but no luck. Chloe has really pretty eyes, not the zombee ones that mom got a picture of.
- This is Coco and he is just a puppy and full of energy. I can barely remember the day when I had that much energy.
- This is Nick. His mom is like a professional photographer. She took this picture of Nick and she took some of me too. Nick likes to play ball and he braught his own.
- This is Dink. His sister held him so mom could get his picture. His tail was going so fast I thought he was going to take off.
- Foxy Lady is just beautiful. Her mom and dad must comb her every day. I am lucky if mom brushes me once a month.
- Pearl and Spice came to visit for the first time. They were so gentle and sweet. Their mom and dad said that they were rescues. I visited them every day while they were here and I hope they come back again soon.